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What Does a Performance Rights Organization (P.R.O.) Do?

Apr 22, 2021
Jody Friedman explains what PROs - Performace Rights Organization do

Join me today, as I'll be explaining why Performance Rights Organizations are a vital part of the Music Licensing Landscape and the key to obtaining Passive Income where you make money while you sleep.

Have you ever wondered what a P.R.O. does?

As a Music Supervisor, one of the most common issues I see is songwriters, composers, and publishers not being properly registered for a P.R.O. and sometimes, not being registered at all.

Jody Friedman is a Music Supervisor for Film, TV and Ads. In 2020, he made it his mission to be of service to indie artists and launched License Your Music coaching program on how to license your music for Film, TV, Ads and Trailers.

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